Go to our LESSONS page for a "Special Internet Discount"!
Please contact SALSA GRANDE by e-mail (SalsaGrande@hotmail.com) if you have any questions that are not answered by this webpage. We look forward to having all interested Salsa dancers join our community of Rueda dancers and fans of Cuban music in Houston, Texas!
Last updated on Feb. 18, 2025
Sun. 2/23/25
Advanced Rueda - 3:00pm to 5:00pm ($20)
** This higher-level workshop requires knowledge of all the
moves at least through Level 8 of SALSA GRANDE's Rueda syllabus
**World Dance Experience location
Sat. 3/1//25
Rueda Level 1 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm (FREE!)
Rueda Level 2 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm ($15 first time; $10 if repeating)
** These workshops require knowledge of basic Salsa timing and fundamental Salsa partnering moves like a cross-body lead
**World Dance Experience location
Sun. 3/2/25
Rueda Level 3 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm ($15 first time; $10 if repeating)
Rueda Level 4 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm ($15 first time; $10 if repeating)
** These workshops require knowledge of all moves at least through Level 2 of SALSA GRANDE's Rueda syllabus
**AFL-CIO location
Sun. 3/9/25 (Tentative date)
Rueda Practice! - 3:00pm to 4:30pm ($5)
** This practice session requires knowledge of the basic moves at least through Level 2 of SALSA GRANDE's Rueda syllabus....but some of the Ruedas will be adjusted higher (depending on the Levels of the attendees)
**AFL-CIO location
Workshops & Private Lessons
are normally held at the
World Dance Experience Studio
9803 Stella Link, Houston, TX 77025
(near intersection of 610 South and Stella Link)
Alternate location:
AFL-CIO {Union Hall}
2506 Sutherland Street, Houston, TX 77023
(near intersection of 45 South and Telephone Road)
Salsa Rueda (a/k/a "Casino Rueda" or "Rueda de Casino") is a dynamic variation of Salsa dancing where two or more couples frequently switch partners and execute synchronized moves. "Rueda" is the Spanish word for "wheel," because the dance couples typically form a circle and respond to directions from one of the dancers who has assumed the role of "caller" or "cantante." Rueda dancing was created in Cuba, but now has spread to all parts of the world. We frequently describe Rueda as the Salsa version of Square Dancing, with the key distinction being that the Rueda caller is one of the active dancers within the circle, not merely calling from the outside. All of the Rueda moves have unique names and many moves also have an associated hand signal, which is useful when the music is too loud for a vocal call to be heard. There are several universally recognized Rueda moves, but many regions have developed their own unique moves or variations.
SALSA GRANDE's Rueda workshops are designed for Salsa dancers who have Salsa partnering experience of at least Intermediate level or higher. (In other words, our Rueda workshops DO provide clear instruction "from scratch" in Rueda moves, technique, and styling -- but these workshops are NOT a substitute for a Beginner Salsa class.) All students are expected to start at Rueda Level 1 and progress sequentially, unless given special permission by the instructor. If you already have Rueda experience elsewhere and believe you can start higher than our Rueda Level 1, then please contact us to determine the best starting Level for you within the SALSA GRANDE workshop program.
Generally speaking, even advanced Salsa dancers must start at Rueda Level 1, because dancing in the Rueda format has enough important variations from "regular" Salsa dancing to require detailed explanation in order to execute the moves properly (and safely) with the rest of the dancers in the circle.
SALSA GRANDE usually offers Rueda workshops on at least one or two different weekends each month, for different experience Levels. Each workshop is 90 minutes long and covers all the moves of a full Level in an intensive (yet very fun!) fashion. Because of this intensive/crash course type of approach, most students only need to take workshops on one afternoon each month, while obtaining further practice during the month by social dancing with us. Lead instructor Michael Whitmire is one of the most active social-dancing Rueda instructors in Texas, and SALSA GRANDE students (both men and women) are taught how to call the moves on their own -- so there will be plenty of opportunities to practice at various Salsa venues around the Houston area. Organized studio practice sessions are scheduled on a regular basis, also. Our Rueda workshops are typically scheduled in sets of two consecutive Levels (e.g., 1 & 2, or 6 & 7, or 9 & 10) back-to-back on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. With rare exceptions, the first workshop is offered at 1:30pm or 2:00pm, then a second workshop at 3:00pm or 3:30pm, including a couple of brief breaks. We understand that sometimes dancers can stay for only one workshop, and therefore all Levels are repeated on a regular basis. Of course, for enthusiastic students who want the fun of staying for three hours of Rueda, we know that much dancing can be quite a workout -- so SALSA GRANDE always provides free bottled water during every workshop!
Our standard price is only $15 for one new workshop (90 minutes) or $10 for repeating a workshop you have taken before.
Other prices may apply for supervised practice sessions or workshops of different lengths. For example, "Advanced Rueda" sessions last for two hours and cost $20, but are limited only to students who have completed all of the moves through Level 10 of SALSA GRANDE's Rueda syllabus. Payments are accepted by cash, check, or some forms of electronic payment (but no credit cards and not Zelle). By teaching the moves in a very efficient fashion, enough material can be covered by SALSA GRANDE in one afternoon to match what some other studios may spread over several weeks of classes at twice our price...or more! And, in addition to this tremendous bargain for new workshops, further discounts are given to Rueda dancers who choose to repeat any workshop as a way of refreshing their memories or would simply like additional practice.
We have access to multiple locations in the Houston area, and we clearly identify the location of each workshop to our students. (Unfortunately our previous primary location at SSQQ Dance Studio was destroyed in 2017 by Hurricane Harvey.) If you have never attended a SALSA GRANDE workshop but wish to attend one on this website's schedule, then first-time visitors are encouraged to contact us directly by e-mail or telephone!
Our syllabus covers more than 130 Rueda moves! Each "Level" is fully covered during a fun 90-minute workshop, with detailed explanations of technique . . . and with plenty of applied Rueda practice using the great music of Salsa, soulful Latin Jazz, and the special Cuban-based rhythm known as Timba! Before taking a particular Level, each person must have learned the moves in all of the preceding Levels, which is why almost all students need to start with the Rueda Level 1 workshop and then progress sequentially. The moves contained within each workshop are as follows:
RUEDA LEVEL 1 WORKSHOP: >>Guapea >>Dile Que No >>Dame Una >>Dame Dos >>Enchufe (some places call this "Enchufla") >>Enchufe Doble >>Un Fly >>Una Bulla >>Suena
RUEDA LEVEL 2: >>Pa'l Medio >>P'arriba >>P'abajo >>Tarro >>Vacila (some places call this "Vacilala") >>Sombrero >>Adios (some places call this "La Prima")
RUEDA LEVEL 3: >>"Mambo" step >>Adios Con La Hermana >>Evelyn >>Ventana >>Kentucky
RUEDA LEVEL 4: >>Llevala P'abajo >>Exhibe >>Enchufe Con Vuelta >>Adios Con Vuelta >>Enchufe Al Centro (some places call this "Enchufla Al Medio") >>Derecha / Right >>Izquierda / Left
RUEDA LEVEL 5: >>Cero or Zero >>Dedo >>Setenta [Miami version & Cuban version] >>Reggaeton >>Clapping hands on passing moves
RUEDA LEVEL 6: >>Ocho >>Bing Bong >>Bing Bong Doble >>Montana >>Havana >>Sombrero con Mambo
RUEDA LEVEL 7: >>Vacila y Dame >>Enchufe P'arriba (some places call this "Enchufe P'abajo") >>Adios P'arriba >>Directo >>Dame con La Mano >>Dame con Coca Cola >>Siete
RUEDA LEVEL 8: >>Siete con Coca Cola >>Balsero >>Tumba Francesa >>Cadena >>Enchufe con Paseala >>Other moves "con Paseala"
RUEDA LEVEL 9: >>Dame P'atras >>Dame Dos con Cuba >>Adios con la Familia >>Aggie Doble >>Pa' Ti Pa' Mi >>"Treinta y Tres" during Al Centro >>Triple Play
RUEDA LEVEL 10: >>Tarro de Mentira >>Dedo Saboreado >>Coca Cola Por Atras >>Vacila y Cero >>Echeverria >>Castigala / Principe Malo >>Besala / Principe Bueno
RUEDA LEVEL 11: >>Tumbao >>Volteala >>Abanico >>"Con Palmas" during Al Centro >>"Con Vuelta" during Al Centro >>Tumbalyn >>Other Tumba Francesa intros & ending
RUEDA LEVEL 12: >>Vacila Doble >>Mimosa (other places call this "Babosa") >>Adios con Cadena >>"Exhibela" or "Exhibe" exit from Cadena >>Dos Mujeres >>Yogurt / Zipper
RUEDA LEVEL 13: >>Vuelta Al Cuello >>Beso >>Disco Duck >>Enchufe con Skippy (some places call this "Esquipi") >>Enchufe con Clave
RUEDA LEVEL 14: >>Cadena Caminando >>Funkytown >>Setenta Complicado >>Casense >>Paseala Arriba (some places call this "Paseala por Arriba") >>Paseala Con Vuelta
RUEDA LEVEL 15: >>El Pozo (or "Saca el Agua del Pozo") >>Flaca >>Gorda >>Flaca y Gorda >>Guapea Slide (or "Slide") >>La Familia Loca >> Flor
RUEDA LEVEL 16: >>Sombrero P'arriba >>Sombrero P'abajo >>Descarga >>Camina >>Paseo (or "Camina P'arriba") >>Paseo Apretao (or "Camina P'arriba Apretao") >>"Balsero con" (variations)
RUEDA LEVEL 17: >>Tarro Con La Mano (some places call this "Tarro Sin Soltarla") >>Rodillas >>Sueltela >>Directo y Bota >>Juana La Cubana >>Capillita >>Bunny Hop >>Bunny Hop Afuera
RUEDA LEVEL 18: >>Sombrero con Vuelta >>Vacila y Botala >>Tumba Complicado >>Straitjacket (or "Lazo de Mujer") >>Manos Al Centro >>Hombres con Manos
RUEDA LEVEL 19: >>Basket Weave (or "Canasta") >>Llevala Caminando >>Adios Doble >>Dedo Guarapo y Bota >>Titanic >>Titanic Doble
RUEDA LEVEL 20: >>Evelyn Doble >>Festival de Enchufe >>Festival de Adios >>Puente >>Huracan